Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy November!

So, these are just some pictures from Pisa and a little shopping. You know how they say the styles start in Europe? Well, Here are a few things you have to look forward to.

Purple is definitely in. No joke, we see purple everywhere!


  1. Love the coats, love all the pictures. You look great by the way. Who knew the leaning tower of pisa was so small? We sure miss you and can't wait until the 28th!

  2. i love all your pictures!! your post are highly entertaining!! miss you!

  3. Those pictures are cool, it really looks like you guys are holding up the tower of Pisa.

    Also, Loce the matching purple pants with the coat. I think I could wear a purple coat, but I don't think I could pull off the pants. I guess we'll find out in 5 years when those styles finally hit Utah.

    Love Ya!

  4. Okay, so my post is supposed to say "love" not "Loce" (Maybe I should read them BEFORE I post them.)
