Monday, September 14, 2009


So, this is the first time I've had access to the internet and have not had to pay for it. Italy is awesome! I am living with a little old lady named Tina, who doesn't speak a world of English. Remember how I don't speak Italian? It's been interesting. She makes her own tomato sauce and pesto, she even makes her own yogurt! It is by far the best food I have ever had!

School is going to kick my trash! I started today and my Italian class is all in Italian. I hope I catch on quick!

So, I wanted to post some pictures. I made sure I'm in a lot of them just for you Alicia! Love you all!!!


  1. Yeah! I'm so glad you posted some pictures. You look great! I'm so glad you're having such a great time. How's your Italian coming? We love you tons!

  2. Hey I found you! I'm glad your having fun and that you decided to have a blog so that it doesn't feel entirely like there is no contact for 3 months. Good luck on your classes!

  3. Yay... Way to go on the picture taking, pictures are just much more attractive with you in them!! We've missed you! Good luck in school!!

    P.S. I've been thinking about you tons, and wondering how you are doing so you should probably post a lot... Just so I don't get worried!! Tell us everything...

    Love Ya...
